Bottle in hand,
I wonder whether this relapse is worth it...
The world is uneven.
It gave hawks to fishermen...
It seems today the force is calling me.
It ask that I should write a sonnet...
I never realised back then
that blacked out windows...
you trample me with your soft fingers;
clay in your palms – i am clay in your hands...
Darling looking Sea Cow
Under the ocean...
I keep waking up from a dream
where we swallow memories whole...
we are scar-tissue; we’ve been wounded but
internalize the pain. i will let myself bleed for...
saw your...
Dad always told me to
'Reap what you sow' and...
i am not whole.
i lived my life in fragments...
When poets need a helping hand,
you’ll see that Mister Darcy stands...