Misc. Poems

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  • april, with bloodied fists, heaving breath finds
    respite where your clavicle meets your sternum...

  • Illusion (4) 4

    by Star

    They always asked
    who you are...

  • Dawn 4 HM

    by D.

    From a murky window, I watch you disappear
    Through dusty picture albums, your face is not so...

  • oneirophrenia (3) 4

    by prasanna

    and there you were, delicately cupped between...

  • Ambulation 4

    by BOB GALLO

    You are so quiet
    but your silence is quite loud...

  • Blind 4

    by Maple Tree

    Drums beating within
    fingers typing...

  • A Human (Senryu) 4

    by ddavidd

    Humanity is
    the experiences of...

  • Not A Poem (1) 4

    by Acacia

    When the nights are black
    And the shadows beckon...

  • The Bloom (Haiku) 4

    by ddavidd

    To survive the night
    the little bloom is to pick...

  • On The Wind (5) 4

    by BOB GALLO

    Life is a guitarist
    who has never owned a guitar...

  • Quiet Hallow 4

    by Maple Tree

    If sun comes for me
    with arms wide open...

  • swirl the moonlight in your wine glass,
    and tell me if it’s as bitter as it looks...