Misc. Poems

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  • The Old Grey Mare (5) 5

    by Michael D Nalley

    The old mare would lollop back to the gate
    As if to say to me I cannot wait...

  • Silent Voices (12) 5 WIN

    by Lonely Rider

    Silent voices echo
    in the corridors...

  • Tucked away safely
    within a closet...

  • The Garden Of My Dreams (11) 5

    by Rachel RTVW

    In the garden of my dreams
    Lilacs run free for miles...

  • Freedom's Ghost (2) 5

    by Jennifer RIP Lesthat Hayden

    America is in our cereal bowls
    and on our T.V.s...

  • No idea what title (1) 4

    by Everlasting

    tears tore me
    dripping dropping...

  • Whittle 4 WIN

    by Kate

    What I turn myself into for others is unhealthy:
    I’d give my last drop of blood for a pinprick...

  • Poetry And Mossy Forest (4) 4

    by Mahal Ko Kuya Ko

    Mossy forest,
    have you ever dreamt of me...

  • Whisper (2) 4

    by ddavidd

    I am in awe of the translation of your eyes
    from forgotten languages of dreams...

  • Resonance (Senryu) (2) 4

    by BOB GALLO

    One needs to reflect
    into the others to get...

  • Rear View (1) 4

    by Kate

    The horizon ahead is painted with gold.
    Waves of fuchsia and lilac meet...

  • save a moment (4) 4

    by Star

    she cradles darkness, for
    her tears crystalize...