Misc. Poems

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  • "Losing My Religion"
    By R.E.M...

  • How many (2)

    by StandStill

    How many of us look up
    at night...

  • Reality check (2)

    by Angel

    I'm a figment of your imagination
    And you're the bum in the street just thinking...

  • Pain (2)

    by william

    Out of the anger comes the pain
    out of the pain comes the tears...

  • Everyone (2)

    by Song Bird

    Everyone has a love story, that writes itself on...
    everyone has a cut somewhere in their heart...

  • Bonus (6)

    by Connor

    Another Jigsaw poem
    My words were...

  • Writer's Block (2)

    by LoveKeepsMeStrong

    I stare at the blank piece of paper and think...
    Nothing springs to mind. Nothing seems good enough...

  • A Jousting Tragedy (8)

    by Poetic Ninja aka Papachopchop

    The trumpets sounded,
    A glorious hymn...

  • The Rest (2)

    by Fatima Grace

    In a moment
    I am swept away in this small area. In the spring...

  • Drunk pondering (3)

    by selene

    It doesn't matter that i'm drunk
    when writing this...

  • Impact of a Mistake (4)

    by Forever Depressed

    I once made a mistake
    And claimed false hate...

  • Spoken word *Just Breathe*

    by allidoiswrite82

    Breathe like its your first time or your last
    breathe like you just got an A in class...