Misc. Poems

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  • Dear Daddy (3)

    by Jenna

    Dear daddy,
    you know me...

  • Writing a limerick is hard
    A triple can be quiet confusing...

  • I buried my daughter today
    My soul burns red with pain...

  • 10 things I hate about you,
    I don't know where to start...

  • A smile (2)

    by my name is Llama

    Smiling to one another
    Shaking each others hand...

  • Little Spider (6) 1

    by Bill Turner

    I feel you clinging to the air
    Struggling to stay afloat...

  • Joust (6) 1

    by Rahl The Layman Lord

    Steeds spurting forward
    Muscle toned...

  • Skeptical Memory Of Lost (6) 1

    by LithiumSacrifice

    Skeptical Memory Of Lost
    These fragile wings can t fly...

  • This Night (2)

    by ♥Leah♥

    Little stars, twinkling bright
    Shining silenty, along with moonlight...

  • Failure (2)


    I hate failing at anything
    It just gets me so mad...

  • Eden is Burning (2) 1

    by TheRapture03

    The Garden of Eden burns
    As life flies away...

  • Revenge (2)

    by Jayde

    You always run when you cannot hide
    You never tell the truth but always lie...