There you stand, so lonely, but so strong. Under...
Reflecting off your glorious steel, a perfect...
Drag your lies across my skin
I want to feel the pain...
Happily laying my head to rest
On my pillow, only the best...
Your voice was like the autumn wind,
warm and soft – soft enough to melt into tears...
The other day I asked a question..
One I didn't expect an answer for...
I was never yours keep
The wind is not something you can own...
Pieces of me
fall to the floor...
No later than the clock could tick a new hour,
I hid near dusty shelves...
It is through you, my beloved, poetry
that I have found a universe...
If you think I will wait for you here
beneath this rain-soaked parasol...
Alice broke the looking glass
In half with her small fists...