Misc. Poems

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  • Lemons (3) 4

    by Lilychu

    When life gives you lemons, you can make lemonade...

  • Seeds & Sunshine (2) 3

    by Reelo

    Her heart was a seed..
    And seeds grow with rain and sunshine...

  • Borders (4) 5

    by stormingdance (Lessa)

    Trying to cross the
    Borders of your heart...

  • I Am A Writer Who (5) 6

    by Yakori bint Muhammed

    12th November, 2015.
    I am a writer who...

  • Sedimentary Thursday (2) 7 WIN

    by Poet on the Piano

    The day mourned as if every tree base
    was a rueful cry that became softened...

  • it takes the little blood left within
    you to reconcile with the past...

  • The Wound 3

    by BOB GALLO

    Maybe you see it in your subconscious
    the wound that more or less we all share...

  • ' (2) 6

    by Star

    no longer...

  • Overthrown. (4) 10

    by Poet on the Piano

    You leave me in ruins
    and at the end of each...

  • Random Senryu (2) 3

    by Everlasting

    from a closed window
    a girl with teary eyes watches...

  • Whisper (8) 4

    by Dagmar Wilson

    My spirit is wide open
    my soul is exploring...

  • Ballast (1) 3

    by Aegis

    The wind is roaring through my ears-
    mesocyclones fill my ribcage and...