Misc. Poems

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  • Rosebush (6) 4

    by Gracy Judith

    I thought
    they would blossom...

  • Optimism (5) 4

    by Milly Hayward

    A quick one stop solution
    with life's longevity to pay...

  • You Cannot Pay The Ferry Man (5) 3

    by CJ Maleney

    When that scrawny figure knocks at your door.
    Do you shirk to hide beneath the floor...

  • Russian Roulette (7) 5

    by Maple Tree

    Summer fails me often
    as pastels blend with...

  • Good Day (7) 4

    by silvershoes

    The smell of pancakes in the morning
    Humming in the kitchen...

  • Suspension (2) 3

    by Aegis

    The threat of winter is here and yet somehow at...
    so very far away...

  • Dear Reader (15) 15 WIN

    by Aegis

    Dear reader,
    My tongue has...

  • Stretch Marks (4) 3

    by Hidden Eyes

    Marks line my body like the telephone poles
    That line an otherwise empty expanse in Arizona...

  • turn a leaf (3) 2

    by Robert Long

    Technically struggling
    to fight my way through...

  • Several Moons Ago (9) 8

    by Maple Tree

    During a midnight summer; I fasted for two moons-
    Until the return of your shadow...

  • Our Universal Moment (3) 4

    by Maple Tree

    My bare feet have traveled around
    seven suns and fourteen moons...

  • Garden in the Shade (6) 3

    by Everlasting

    Our love were weeds just growing strong with time
    in fields that people often dare not walked...