Misc. Poems

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  • Soul (6) 3

    by deeplydesturbed

    Reflecting windows.
    Look past the mirror image...

  • Hillary Trump (Political Acrostic) (18) 8

    by IdTakeABulletForYou

    Hell exists, though you don't see
    it in a book or on tv...

  • On the first day of winter
    me good mate sent to me...

  • Remapping Morals (11) 3

    by Exostosis

    I seek not clarity. Man's vicissitude follicles...
    I may assay, quantify the extremities of today...

  • Locked Manacles (13) 3

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    Locked Manacles
    Residue of lies fill my lungs...

  • I feel deflated, like a birthday balloon
    post party...

  • Note To Self (5) 2

    by Lady Nik

    Note to self: I'm lost.
    I can't remember the things...

  • You Gotta... (7)

    by Dreamofolwin

    You gotta keep believing in you...
    When youre feeling so low, and dont know what to...

  • You will never know who I am
    Though search you may and try you might...

  • Broken Stars (7) 1

    by Michael D Nalley

    Teachers teach, preachers preach
    A star is just beyond our reach...

  • Fantasy Dreams (7) 1

    by Cindy

    Fantasy Dreams
    Come and join me my love...

  • Small Device. (7)

    by Courageous Dreamer

    -*Written for a Contest.*-
    Based off of the word: iPod...