Misc. Poems

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  • Now (4) 5

    by Everlasting

    people turn pale blue
    when a guy at the register...

  • I Just Realized it Today (8) 5

    by Everlasting

    I’m like a grocery’s cart being pushed
    around a store...

  • Aww ( 9 syllables) (14) 12 WIN

    by Everlasting

    my baby
    splashes smiles...

  • Ghost Town (12) 7

    by Kitty Cat Lady

    The bunting now flaps uselessly
    In the wind that drove them away...

  • Sheets (14) 8

    by Kitty Cat Lady

    It's new sheets day
    My favourite sleep of the week...

  • Drunken nights (12) 6

    by deeplydesturbed


  • I miss you (Acrostic) (10) 7

    by deeplydesturbed

    Initially I thought I couldn’t survive without...
    My lips continually begging for more...

  • Here comes the real challenge (12) 6

    by deeplydesturbed

    Today I woke up in a sweat
    chilling me to my core...

  • The ticking off the night (11) 6

    by Everlasting

    Thinking, thinking...
    The clock is ticking...

  • Midsts (5) 5

    by Mahal Ko Kuya Ko

    We seem like capital cities apart...
    Everyone seems to be moving on...

  • Void. (6) 4

    by Courageous Dreamer

    My eyes are of poison ivy,
    itching 'til I can no longer see...

  • Don't spoil me, Love me (6) 6

    by Sunshine

    Discern me no more for you
    can't carve my dreams...