Magic has a colour!
It is not a shade that you can't see...
Should I place a stock of potatoes
along the banks of Jordan...
I delay the onset of the hurt
you unintentionally caused...
This is my ghost in the guise of a poem.
Read it without grief in your heart...
I used to want to
follow in your footsteps...
Black, darkness, yet oddly bright
Yearning for a satisfaction only you can bring...
cats at the table
purr at the poetry book...
I had a dream, on a lovely summer night
A prince there stood; beckoned me for a flight...
I'm in the dizzy world of PnQ
My brain it spins from what I view...
He thinks he thinks the way I think:
in that... one must be open minded...
I love poem because,
P - ( poem ) - is written by people that have a...
Everything goes on sale on Ebay
Because we can be ungrateful souls...