We have thought of our confidentiality
As a treasured and secured reality...
The tide rises and it falls,
Tame, yet escaping through wrinkled floors...
Cinderella walked on broken glass
Sleeping Beauty let a whole lifetime pass...
Screams are all I can offer
as the world ceases...
Couldn't you stay away ? Don't write my
Obituary yet for I'm not ready to die; I'm 32...
I thought I'd found happiness
it just so happens...
i added praying that i don’t dream of you to my
nighttime ritual, it’s not that you’re not...
This moment is all
I am able to have for...
crowds of crows
cover the sky...
I have some shoes I always wear
They've been with me everywhere...
It's gloomy and isolated
in the unlit flat...
..as more mornings continue to vigorously crack...
the little things resting on the edge of dust...