Misc. Poems

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  • !The night is dark and full of terrors!
    Yet it can never hold...

  • Burnt Toast (3) 6

    by Maple Tree

    It was just another day in paradise -
    My thoughts were kept hidden...

  • Be Lucky (9) 5

    by CJ Maleney

    If they are lucky tonight,
    We will have Chinese food...

  • Christmas (acrostic) (10) 4

    by deeplydesturbed

    Christmas is children
    Happily opening presents and...

  • Security surrounds me (8) 3

    by deeplydesturbed

    Arms wrapped around me;
    Giving me a big cuddle...

  • Creation (Haiku) 1

    by BOB GALLO

    Do be do be do
    A mad man sang I am he...

  • The Temple of Fire 3

    by BOB GALLO

    When the truth is not lonely!
    When the truthful is not one and only...

  • Evolution 4 HM

    by BOB GALLO

    It is endless
    their aptitude of flaming to burst and blaze out...

  • In Unison (2) 4

    by BOB GALLO

    The only true dualism is unity,
    the unity of equals...

  • Black Mirrors 2

    by ddavidd

    What we are born in them as identities
    are never as shameful as...

  • there is no going back,
    her voice echoed...

  • celestial symphony 3

    by prasanna

    passively assertive – you exercise restraint in...
    but the music between you and i are limited by...