Misc. Poems

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  • Portrait 1 (7) 5

    by Sunshine

    Do not read between my lines-
    no more...

  • Clearing The Clutter 2

    by Everlasting

    I used to write a poem a day
    but who am I kidding...

  • Looking Forward (9) 5

    by CJ Maleney

    So much land and sea have I traversed.
    So many things for ones eyes to behold...

  • Well hello there Mr Dragon
    I guess we meet again...

  • she (4) 3

    by Phil

    Sister is definitely an
    Honorary title and she deserves this...

  • .
    Shall I compare thee to a page of old...

  • Sin (6) 3

    by DarkLight

    In reality,
    it's beautiful...

  • Spring Cleaning (9) 4 HM

    by Daisy if you do

    Pieces of "her" linger
    nested in the beams of this house...

  • Unveiled Aura (10) 3

    by Meme

    Don't drift
    away from the...

  • Despair (12) 3

    by Sunshine

    From now on, you aught to pay attention to
    a very important scene in our funny drama...

  • Crumpled Pages. (5) 2

    by Courageous Dreamer

    If my palms were the pages of my heart,
    I would script inklings of prose...

  • To our beloved daughter
    Jessica Nicole...