Misc. Poems

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  • The pieces of the puzzle fit
    but the picture tells a different story...

  • Strange things are happening (6) 4

    by deeplydesturbed

    Yesterday I saw something
    That I could not easily explain away...

  • L'appel du vide (9) 7 HM

    by Aegis

    You are cedarwood and vanilla
    sparsely thriving in my...

  • nothing I can do (5) 4

    by Phil

    Without you I feel like:
    cake without custard...

  • Once upon a time,
    a tired tree looked at the sky...

  • Heating up (12) 3

    by deeplydesturbed

    Unable to sleep
    On a heated summers night...

  • Dark Heart (9) 5

    by Shruti

    An ice cold heart,
    as hard as the rocks...

  • A Winter Moon (2) 2

    by Everlasting

    And it's true, all this time,
    I've been like a lagoon...

  • My Mum (6) 2

    by deeplydesturbed

    My dearest mother, You left us all
    Walked out the door,And let us fall...

  • Ex Power (7) 2

    by Sunshine

    If you breathe beneath my roots
    I may lose a fruit off my branches...

  • My Treasure Island (8)

    by NightFlyer

    Fair Luna of the midnight sky
    Omniscient pearl that brightly gleams...

  • Fate (4)

    by eehcuhhhz

    **Another Loveless Translation.**
    The dawn of the new world will arrive...