Misc. Poems

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  • You smell of scorched bushes,
    and you thought of stars as poets...

  • Phone Call (1) 3

    by Mortal Utopia

    Our voices fell silent.
    On your side of the world...

  • The Alchemist (tanka) (4) 2

    by Larry Chamberlin

    The boy traveled far
    hearing the Soul of the World...

  • Pause (13) 10 WIN

    by Sunshine

    Music perished into dust
    as I paused for a moment...

  • What A Nerve (7) 3

    by CJ Maleney

    I shouldn't react, yet I do!
    I should feel no pain, yet I do...

  • Poetry Gust (13) 15 WIN

    by Sunshine

    Music, birds
    death and life...

  • shine (7) 5 HM

    by CJ Maleney

    Let me see your brilliance
    Let me see your light...

  • When Pen meets Paper (13) 9

    by mossgirl19

    Every single time the pen
    scratches its tip against the paper...

  • My sustenance (2) 3

    by CJ Maleney

    I feel like I'm empty inside
    There is definitely a void...

  • Lost Soul (12) 4

    by deeplydesturbed

    The empty bottles sitting on the counter top
    Reminding me of the eventful night before...

  • Far-flung (5) 6 WIN

    by Melissa

    I love you like a star, dear
    with auspicious eyes and falling lines...

  • Absurd Obsession (12) 2

    by Sunshine

    Lost in my literal obsession, I pen you down
    with absolute hunger to title my new book...