Misc. Poems

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  • On nights like this it's not that
    I can't sleep...

  • Time (Senryu) (2) 2

    by ddavidd

    The hands of time are
    the drumsticks that beat on the...

  • Time 2

    by Sunshine

    We were effervescent and young
    before stagnancy took over...

  • Kintsugi (2) 4 WIN

    by Adastra

    Ceramic tea bowl -
    It had broken in the storm...

  • Broken (7) 6

    by Star

    pull the gauze off your palms
    and let the blood express the thoughts...

  • A Cheetah after a Turtle (6) 5

    by Everlasting

    I never imagine that some kind of physical pain
    could make me feel like an old turtle...

  • Rainbow colors (2) 2

    by Dagmar Wilson

    Without shedding tears
    my soul would not wear a dress...

  • The woodpecker Pecks (4) 3

    by ddavidd

    on my wooden door...

  • Invisible Ink (6) 3 HM

    by Aegis

    Even my blankest
    pages speak...

  • Kitty (2) 3

    by Anna Banasiak

    fleeing shadow is afraid of loneliness
    looking for heat...

  • Rust color (8) 3

    by Dagmar Wilson

    I had a vision of a blue mountain
    with wings at the bottom...

  • Gathering of Angels (21) 17 WIN

    by Maple Tree

    I go to a place where
    dreams criss cross...