It's not a place you want to stay
Not somewhere you should be...
A six foot box
with an all round view...
If I were shooting stars traversing skies,
it'll be because I am in search of you...
My heart beats less and less for you.
It feels as if it'll soon stop...
You're far away, high in the light
your eyes sex-clenched as your notes start...
Today I escaped the bustle,
went to smell a flower or two...
I am no good at waiting
so I immerse myself...
I remember when you first came home
I smiled from ear to ear...
I'm quite afraid that I have failed
There's nothing in the drinking pail...
you unswivel through the past...
Driblets of moon in
my jasmine tea, twinkling stars...
I write haikus for
folks can't hear heart unless...