I'm a filing cabinet of records that holds dates...
reasons and insentives, agendas and dreams...
Patchwork Blanket (Etheree)
It is old and worn with scattered patches...
Words can lead a strayer
back home, but they cant...
My dreams get better at the end
but first let's imagine a glass house...
Whenever you nestle up against
your coffee cup and undress me...
I thought I would try something different and...
"Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde...
We as writers wedge an ink pen
deep within our hearts...
I'm a clear tear
I've been here before...
If you were a planet, I bet
you would dance around the sun...
I could feel my heart folding itself
like one of those kirigami stars...
If only you were
a melody...
We were legends then...
Painting worlds with our tongues...