Misc. Poems

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  • In the weight of all they say,
    they reach weightlessness...

  • Secret sighs 1 WIN

    by writer

    The rose wilted the night before you returned
    from the depths of the ocean...

  • In the Sea 1

    by ddavidd

    Before reaching the end,
    life placed you before me...

  • The Fruit

    by BOB GALLO

    It is utterly futile
    to argue with yourself...

  • Our meeting for me was chance,
    while the world wrapped itself in the soft cheer...

  • The guardhouse of loneliness—
    where the truth of oneself unfolds...

  • Time slipped slowly
    and all too rapidly until none was left...

  • Teddy Bear

    by ddavidd

    You were a star,
    shining brilliantly...

  • A samurai defends himself
    when outnumbered...

  • small enough

    by AnotherDay24

    how small would You like me to be
    small enough to fit in Your palms...

  • Baby, can't you see
    This isn't how it's meant to be...

  • silent communication


    walking on moss that is wet in any season we think...
    someone reading something while someone else...