I'm in the dizzy world of PnQ
My brain it spins from what I view...
He thinks he thinks the way I think:
in that... one must be open minded...
I love poem because,
P - ( poem ) - is written by people that have a...
Everything goes on sale on Ebay
Because we can be ungrateful souls...
Everything you love, everything you hate,
Goes away, out the window...
Tail bent and buckled
Body painted with tyre marks...
Bottle in hand,
I wonder whether this relapse is worth it...
I'm an angel but that's not
Always what people see...
I write because my fingers say I must,
The burn within will lessen...
Your touch upon my windows
has cursed my once short sight...
Why you affect me so much...
There is no time like the present,
And no present compares to time...