Poems About Nature

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  • A Fresh Start: (8) 4

    by Scott Cole

    Beautiful satin ribbons
    Tied and dipped in dyes...

  • Cycle of Life (haiku) (1) 2

    by Larry Chamberlin

    Rain impacts ocean
    raising up crownlets but then...

  • Birds (Acrostic) (3) 4

    by stormingdance (Lessa)

    Bravery - how could I not know it had a tune
    It had a tune like lovely flutes...

  • While winter sits guard...

  • camel cravings (syntuit) (3) 6

    by Mr. Darcy

    like a fighter jet
    view of the desert lagoon...

  • Dayspring (6) 3

    by cassie hughes

    Slowly awakes the dawn,
    Her chorus, spilling out in notes of joy...

  • In Anger (3) 3

    by Everlasting

    a mountain
    turns into...

  • Winds move me, gales stripping my branches bare
    feel vulnerable, in crisp midnight air...

  • Percussion (13) 7

    by CJ Maleney

    Do you hear the rhythm?
    Can you recognise a song...

  • Verses of Hope (4) 3

    by Muhammad Muhammad Mayaki

    Here I am
    Nursing my wounds...

  • Upon Another Summer (10) 10

    by Maple Tree

    Darkness fell upon another summer
    drenched in misty midnight and I...

  • Cairngorns (7) 5

    by AngelaLuisaCory

    The shadows will reach and smother this day
    As evening approaches, no words left to say...