Quotes About Nature

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  • Drops can fall to earth in the form of hard hail stones, floating snow flakes, rain heavy or light , yet gentile rays of the sun carry them back to heaven

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  • I now set sail on the sea of life and are pondering what is life's porpoise.

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  • When you was born, you was born wearing no make-up and they all declared you to be beautiful as they fought one another off to hold you. Whenever you feel that you need to wear make-up to look beautiful and to be loved, remember this.

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  • Women wearing make up, men shaving off their beards, and to please who exactly? An imaginary observer? The abstract? Perhaps a fear plaguing our minds? How we perceive others, how we wish to be perceived, determined by a false notion of beauty.

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  • A drop in the ocean makes a ripple so small yet so significant.

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  • Nice waterfall coming on of the rocks and mountain

    by natasha
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  • Lovely little white butterfly... Please never fall

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  • I think I'm a safe house for mosquitoes.... I must be comforting to them because I can never seem to escape their presence!

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  • She belongs here,
    in the woods,
    free from her cage.
    Hope, dreams
    and happiness
    find her here again.

    by rachael
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  • "In the next life I want to be your tear. So that I can be born from your eye, caress your red cheeks, and die on your lips" Love ~Your Stalker~

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