Quotes About Nature

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  • Never push yourself too hard or too far, once you've over-exerted your strengths, that's it, they're gone and you're left bare and naked.remember that even nature suffers erosion when her crops are over-harvested, and she is left bare , weak

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  • "Snow should be treated like wild beasts at the Zoo, observed from behind a pane of glass and never disturbed"

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  • "Your greatest enemy is you 'Attitude'.
    When you let go of your pride,nothing can stand on your way to success."

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  • Doe some wounder why the clouds rain
    it's not the clouds that rain
    it's the birds that cry in the fear of
    losing one another in the chaos of

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  • "Howling, Singing, Teach us how to know". So is said of Wolf, for wolf is teacher.

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  • Lick ma balls

    by dawny
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  • GO SCREW A TREE!!!!!!!!

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  • The most beautiful creatures are in the night...

    by Fanny
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  • There must be some clovers in the atmosphere

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  • Grass are green, flowers smells good now your here THE WORLD TURNS COLOURFUL!

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