Quotes About Nature

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  • It takes one tree to make 10,000 matches. But it takes one match to burn 10,000 trees.

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  • "Dominica.The Nature Isle OF The Caribbean.

    by britney
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  • The grass i green the sky is blue but i will always be in love woth you!
    -COPYRIGHT- Caleb Hammett

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  • If your a tree hugger than give it up.
    were all are going to die from GLOBAL WARMING!

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  • My theory is that all of Scottish cuisine is based on a dare.


    brok3n Insid3

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  • We come not from the mists, but from the luminous webs of illusion

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  • The sun shines and makes the world so warm and everyone can say everything is right. But wait there is the moon as well; it was always shining down on you guiding you in those playful dreams to make you smile

    by MyMuse
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  • "In a single day and night of misfortune, the island of Atlantis disappeared into the depths of the sea" - Plato

    by Matt
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  • What a beautiful thing.
    The only tree in the forest
    That is golden, and tall...
    It's such a shame
    That it had to fall.

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  • We enviormentalists need to stick together! If we don't, who will ever prove that mother nature needs our help?

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