Wrapped in Your Arms

by Crimson Princess   Feb 7, 2008

Wrapped in your arms, waiting for the rain.

Softly kissing your lips, vanishing away the pain.

Pulling you close, never letting you go.

Feeling your warm body against mine, melting away the cold snow.

I smile at the sight of your beautiful face.

I relax and hold you gently, knowing that every minuet with you, is a minuet I haven't waste.

Staring at my phone, waiting for your text.

Hoping and praying for the time I see you next.

Thinking of you every second I am awake.

Looks into you beautiful eyes, and see the stars.

Everyday with you is the best in my life.

Every second in your arms is what took out the knife.

You made me laugh when I wanted to cry.

You made me want to live when I wanted to die.

If there was ever a day I didn't have you to hold.

Then that is the day that I will lay cold.


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  • 16 years ago

    by XAlwaysXBrokenX

    He i like this poem!! she sounds like a really nice girl!! umm yeah great poem 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Bradley Peter

    Just to note - in general I dislike love poems. I thought this was okay, until I read the last four lines, which saved the whole piece. They had a much better rhythm and story.


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