It'S TiMe To LeAvE a HeArT tOdAy

by Charlie   Feb 7, 2008

It's time to leave a heart today,
To cry, to bleed, to shrink away,
To perish beneath an empty sky
Where moons and stars have left to die.

The sun won't set, nor will it rise,
Only clouds to whisper cries,
To stand outside and feel the cold,
Till you release your aging hold.

Or time and tale will keep you there,
As clocks tick on you'll go no where
You'll live in dust and memory,
Of things that will not every be.

And as you sleep you'll dream away,
Your life, your soul, your everyday,
So leave your heart and hurt behind
It's time for truth to free your mind.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Em

    This poem is beutiful, I love it

  • 17 years ago

    by Maxi Mutilation

    Wow! totally awesome poem dude 5/5. added it to my fav's