You were my mistake..

by Morgan Layne   Feb 8, 2008

What has this come to?
we were the best of friends.
or so i thought.

we've laughed together,
we've cried together,
we were like sisters.

and then some stupid rumor tore us apart.
some stupid idiot told you a lie,
and you being your gullible self believed it.

yes, i admit, i have shed some tears,
and every time i see you being happy,
it tears me up inside.

how can you be so happy,
when i am so torn apart..

i guess you never really were the friend to me,
that i was to you.

we had so many inside jokes,
and i still laugh at them,
at how stupid we were,
and how everything was funny,
when we were together.

i miss those times,
the times we had lotion wars in my bedroom.
the time we would sit at my picnic table
and cry over guys,
and just have long talks that lasted forever.
until my mom came outside and told us to come in,
because it was getting late.

and i miss those times,
i would come to your house,
and you would just be waking up,
and smile when you saw me there.
and run up and give me a hug.

i miss it Taylor.

even though you have obviously moved on,
and i claim i have,
well, i haven't.

everyday i see you in the halls,
and you seem so happy now..
and yeah,
i have other friends,
but none as close as you and me were.

you did me wrong,
you didn't even ask me about it,
you just assumed it was true.

you should have known me better than that..
but hey,
everyone makes mistakes,
i guess you were mine.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Wrangler

    Stay true to yourself and you will find a closer friend than her i know that because i went through a similar situation with my best buddy well keep on keeping on and if you need someone to talk to you can count on me to be there and to listen

  • 17 years ago

    by Black Princess

    This was awesome. It alomst brought me to tears, my ex best friend and I dont talk anymore and i miss it all so much. You did a great job with this. Well done. Hold on and be strong you will find someone else. I haven't yet but I know I will. Stay Strong.

  • 17 years ago

    by whitney fox

    Your poem made me cry, i went through a similar situation....