Love is for the Birds Pt. 1

by DJ   Feb 8, 2008

I study the lyrics like scripture
Performing autopsies
on all of their meanings
indescribable utter sadness within
Mirrors hidden in words
Myself in them I'm seeing.

For promises sake, I'll keep busy
Burning whats left of the rest
of this heart at a pace
My personal mental obstacle course,
obscured and weathered
pit in a winner-less race.

This isn't what I hoped for, you know
But had the guilty pleasure
of seeing it coming
In dreams that kept me up at night
tormenting to no end
You were always off and running.

"Wait, where you headed so fast?" I'd ask
Hopelessly hoping, but secretly
knowing the answer
Ironically thats exactly the kind
of silly wishful thinking
that nurtured this unwarranted cancer.

Every time she'd turn to make her way
With the grandest of grins perched upon her face
"Please, Wait" I would cry.
just before she cut me off
saying "Silly boy, this isn't love,
Loves for the birds, and you haven't wings"
Flapping his arms like a mad man he started to sing

"I'm not a bird and I cannot fly, not even a
penguin with a suit and a tie, I'm just a boy,
trying to be a man, but I can sing like the birds
the best that I can"

he sang "I'm not a bird and I cannot fly,
I have no wings, but for you I will try. Forever
I'll try..."

As she turned to leave and walk away
The smile that perched had now fallen from grace
like a boy without wings who thought he could fly.
She blew him a kiss and waved good-bye.

Flapping his arms he continued to sing "I'm not a
bird and I have no wings, but forever my love,
forever I'll love you."

Every time she'd turn to make her way
With the grandest of grins perched upon her face
"Please, Wait" I would cry.
just before she cut me off
saying "Silly boy, this isn't love,
Loves for the birds, and you haven't wings"
He flapped his arms and started to sing.

"I am a bird, now watch me fly"
He leapt off a cliff and into the sky.
Fell like a stone and woke up a man
Forever alone, never to sing again.

Hope you liked it! If you wanna know more about it read on, if not... thanks for reading thus far.

Me and my girlfriend just broke up because I couldn't give her all the things she wants and she wasn't happy anymore.. Well I guess she broke up with me. lol Yeah you could say that. Anyways, we're trying to work things out so thats why this is only the first part. Also my first poem in a while... thanks for reading though, laters.


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  • 17 years ago

    by AL3XiiS


  • 17 years ago

    by MyEscape

    That is one of the deepest most beautifully heartbreaking and emotional pieces I've read in a long time. In fact it carries the essence of older poets the ones that are often now forgotten. It was amazing. I love your line about 'love is for the birds and you have no wings' and then made reference to how he wasn't even a penguin. The depth of this peace is amazing and incomparable. Great job!

  • 17 years ago

    by K R ii S T ii N A

    Good. Good
    Keep Iit Up!
    X - - x

  • 17 years ago

    by Kesha Nicole

    This poem was really good. A lil long, but good :)

  • 17 years ago

    by Eman D

    That was great. Im into the story. Hurry with the next part! 5/5.