2/8/08 <3

by AndreaDanielle   Feb 8, 2008

Today, you made me smile
with the little things you said,
its so amazing, how you made me fall
in love with you all over again.
I don't know, how you do it,
its like you got some kinda hold on me,
its a feeling, i just cant explain
but i know its where i wanna be.
I'm not like other girls,
thats something that you figured out on your own,
Boy, let me be the one to change you
you can do so much better you know.
People know you as a player,
but I see who you really are.
Your not someone to label,
deep inside you have the sweetest heart.
With you I'm so happy
its a feeling i never wanna lose
and i know we can make it work
if you just trust that i truly love you.


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  • 17 years ago

    by StandStill

    Very sweet and pure. love it. <3