
by Hannah   Feb 9, 2008

I live in the shadow that passes me by,
I hate that it's dark and gloomy and makes me wanna cry.
I tell myself that I'm useless too.
There are things I wish I never knew.
I hate learning about the things that are so true.
Oh maybe I'll find a way outta this mess,
Maybe someday I will confess,
I did wrong and move on,
There are things I look about,
Like how my life really was a low,
I feel like life is towing me along,
I feel so sad that I did wrong.
But, there's still hope buried deep,
Maybe I just need my beauty sleep,
To forget about the past,
And forget about the dark shadow I cast.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Thats such a very good poem, i related to that and really felt the emotion, well done xx