by SH3S fiNAllY H3R3 l0V3 U N3NA Feb 9, 2008
category :
Sadness, depression /
lost relationships
I have feelings of love, |
I liked it 5/5 it was good i conected with this poem if its real u should tottaly tell him and i also really liked the flow in this one not many people have this kinda good talent keep on |
The rythem of this poem wasn't as good as it could be but it worked out in the end. and the lines in this poem kind of reminded me of "butterflies" in your stomach when your afraid of stuff which you said in your poem. i feel the same way with it. 5/5 !props! |
by Lizaveta
I like it |
by Shinobi
This poem shows a raw epress of emotions in a simple language. The choosing of words are a little weak in this poem. The flow was good, the rhymes were missing in the first stanza. The ending is a bit weak as well. I sa better pieces you've written and I must say that they were a lot better. Better luck on next piece 4/5 |
by The Queen
HOw LOveLy...beAutifuLLy wRiTten..sOo SwEet aNd shOweD uR siNceReSt fEeliNg towArds dA gUy pIctUreD iN dA pOem..lOve iS suCh a pOweRfuL emOtioN dAt Once iT enVelOpes tHe bOth oF yOU iT dOesNt dEpArt...Nice wOrk.. |