Broken heart

by StonedGooberz   Feb 10, 2008

Crushing roses lay underneath my feet
Some were red, some pink, but most were white
My heart lays as the roses do broken upon your floor
God I loved you, tears streaming down my face shrouded by the night

Stars look like sweet teardrops of remorse
As I stare again into picture of your face
How could you do this to me, I loved you
But yet maybe you did'nt, on top of another guy in lace

The moon being the only thing showing sympathy
Shining into the darkened corners of my mind
Shedding light to these things I should have seen before
What is wrong with me, was I just too kind.

The pavement in this winters cold
Reflecting what' left of this ripped open heart
Let it seep into me, please god I just simply beg
Let the cold flow into me, b/c she is ripping me apart

The falling snow, freezing these tears
And covering the blood smeared tracks
Laying there, dying of a broken heart
My blood forever flowing into the cracks


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Latest Comments

  • I relate highly as many others can on this site.Very beautiful and full of heart felt emotion.5/5


  • 16 years ago

    by HaileyHelen

    Stars look like sweet teardrops of remorse

    when I read this... I cried!
    maybe I'm just a baby
    but i felt that the whole poem was powerfull and emotionall and I love it! im adding to my favs=]

  • 16 years ago

    by tears i cry

    It made me cry
    i loved it anything that can make me cry is worth a 5/5 beautiful poem and a well written one at that


  • 17 years ago

    by Marc Ortiz

    It was a fine written piece, I think it flowed nicely, good job. You have one minor error in this poem..

    But yet maybe you (did'nt), on top of another guy in lace
    = Didn't

  • 17 years ago

    by BlueEyedMystery

    Awww!! So sadddd! You're emotions just shine through in this poem. It was making me sad while I was reading it. A lot of people could relate to this poem. The flow was amazing! Everything was great! Sooo good job!

    Cayce x

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