In The Eyes of a Child

by Shimmering Diamond   Feb 10, 2008

I wish my mother wouldn't yell,
why can't she just ask?
Why does my sister have to be so rude?
It's like living in hell.
Why can't those bullies just get to know me?
Then they would see I'm a cool dude.
My teacher's so sarcastic,
dont even ask me why I'm late.
The kinds laugh at me when I lose my place,
they can't just help me figure it out.
It's like no one likes me at school.
They don't even take the time to talk to me,
not even the younger kids think I'm cool.
I wish they could just see.
I can play baseball,
they just don't care about a little runt like me.
Why can I just try out for the team?
Just because I forgot the assignment,
doesn't mean I didn't pay attention,
could have just gave it to me.
Please God if you're listening,
help me!


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Shimmering Diamond

    This was a project for my parenting class.. on abuse

  • 17 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Aww thats sad, but never let what people think affect your life cos they arent worth it xx

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