All that I know.. eating me up inside

by Maddyxxx   Feb 10, 2008

Wish I didn't know half the things that I know now
Wish I didn't want to know all that I know
Cause now I hate that I know who you really are
I'd like to sit here, create a machine to erase my very mind
Of all the things that I shouldn't know
Cause then I'd have a soul to believe in

I rest my heavy head upon this small pillow
Hoping it'll keep my head up,but it only falls
I wipe my watered down eyes
Whats left of my makeup is smeared away
Wish you could feel my soul dieing
Wish you could hear the cries in my mind

Going more insane crazy inside
I look around and I see all the wrongs in this world
Not one side to this story but two sides as always
I'm one of billions of humans on this earth
Half so called normal the other crazy or weird

(C) MADDY...


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  • 17 years ago

    by shadow

    I can hear your cries, even if you think they're silent.