Why is it so hard to let go?

by Andrew Santarita   Feb 10, 2008

I've asked a million people this question but none of them seem to truly know
a simple " why is it so hard to let go"
so many different answers which one is right
i swear this is the only thing on my mind at night
my heart is bruised, but thats nothing new.
Its just part of my life.
Another stab to the heart, but by a new knife.
I thought she was different for the rest
she was everyhting to me she was the best.
i was wrong becasue she was ecactly that same
but she's not to balme.
i blame myself for moving to fast.
I tried to hard to make us last.
I changed who i truly was just to make her happy.
And i was repaid with her leaving me.
Now im sitting here feeling dumb
while she's out there having all kinds of fun.
So as I sit around moaping and saying how life is so unfair
they know that your heart broken and they dont seem to even care
it hurts to know the one you still love no longer loves you
So I'm left with the same question for you.
"why is it so hard to let go?"
and the answer i now know
There is no right or wrong answer to this simple question
cause the answer the individual is looking for
only they know

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  • 17 years ago

    by Hollywood

    Its good but kinda does not flow