OMG you're fat

by Morticia   Feb 10, 2008

At first I thought he'd disappear
Just somehow go away
But I soon realized
He was here to stay
I realized I was selfish
to feel the way I did
I should be able to handle
My best mate having a kid
So I'll smile and support you
And love him like my own
Cos I care about you too much
to let this friendship be blown
It's just that you're so young
You've got so much left to do
But when you have this baby
You'll have no time for you.
I know you'll be okay
The guy will stick around
But if you ever need help
You know where it is found

Love you chon


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  • 16 years ago

    by Jenna Rose Kat

    The poem is more heartfelt, and the title just doesnt belong. I thought itd be a funny one...
    Either way, its still a wonderful poem about teen pregnancy :)
    I hope for the best!

  • 17 years ago

    by Morticia

    Liliana, learn to spell. And actually the title is a personal joke because the girl it's about is 5 ft and very skinny so It'll be strange to see her fat, ok?

  • 17 years ago

    by Jo Anna EL

    Just windering....Whats with the title???Made me laugh.But then smile and almost cry at the poem..Well i liked the poem..
    ~ Jo Anna EL