Comments : I'm watching you. Let's be married.

  • 17 years ago

    by Edward Latina

    Very good flow and word choice. The ending was a bit abrupt, but still its a small thing against this poem. Very good work, good job! 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by pLeASeTakEMyHeArT

    I am reading again and again trying to find the step of the veiw and finally see the picture and my heart dropped and thought "I couldn't imagine seeing that in a real life"

  • 16 years ago

    by Harutan

    This is really good, the way it's written makes you sorta see whats going on inside his head(unless im mistaken), nice touch.

    Also, i didnt understand what was going on until the volta >w< , so, well done 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Ezzey

    I liked the ending ,although it was so sad, i guess you have a special smoothe style at poetry ,i'm really getting amazed with your unique style ,where no complx words ,all are so simple and nuderstood ,yet so emotional and direct !!
    you' re one of my favroite !!