
by viraz vitalia   Feb 10, 2008

The lonely cell
dark corridors
a depresing room all to myself
seperated from others
for whats inside
the beast that is me
he human that is me
the beast is angry at this captivity
the human is scared and cold
the beast hungers for blood and revenge
the human begins to want it to
this prison may change the human
but it won't change the beast
they both want revenge
to spread their wings
the bloody satisfaction
the flesh of their captors will soon be mine
they will rend their flesh as one
the beast and the human are no longer seperate
they are one
now united in one goal
now united just one soul
no longer a beast no longer a human
now a entity that hungers for revenge
sweet revenge
rended flesh in my jaws
sweet crimson juice to slake my thirst
the blood and flesh of all who put me here
their blood will taste the sweetest


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  • 17 years ago

    by nobody truly knows me

    Wow. amazing details. um...one thing u can work on in your poems is making the flow from one line to the next better. this is kind of rough, but it's still wonderful.