Comments : Conversations of a Beaten Diva

  • 17 years ago

    by cowgirlstar26

    I'd just swallow every shard of pain and let it flicker,
    too many emotions embody to dance across the table

    fav lines :)


  • 17 years ago

    by The Pessimistic Peabody

    Another amazingly intriguing certainly have a way with words that leaves the wonder and mystery intact and make your poetry refreshing. The 2nd stanza I admired alot, drew me in like a good book. I can only wonder what thoughts were gliding through your mind when writing this masterpiece. well done 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by FlawlesslyTarnished

    An amazing write, as always. :D the flow was flawless and your descriptions and imagery were very well expressed. And the emotion you put into this piece were well expressed as well. Everything was too amazing to simple pick a few favorite lines! And the ending was great! an outstanding piece. 5/5.

  • 17 years ago

    by Stephanie

    "leave me shattered, leave me shattered, shattered..."

    ^ I love the repetition of 'shattered' in this line - Creative thinking on your part. :)

    "Sip this poison on the facet of my champagne kisses.
    - recollection comes and rips the heart from the chest"

    ^ Oh my... these lines are so beautifully written to me. I love em'.

    The whole poem was amazing. The flow was flawless, the emotions were intense, and like always, your vocabulary blew me away. Spectacular job. :] Overall: 5.5

    - Steph.

  • 16 years ago

    by StandStill

    This is an exceptionally written poem. it's abstract but the image is so clearly seen by the reader.

    Mock me... I am truly not real.

    ^ how many of us in this world are real? and yes, we all deserve to be mocked. know that you are not alone in this feeling.

    the flow and the emotion of the piece are amazing. so sad and bitter and hurt. wow. just wow. keep up the amazing work. god bles