I Hate How I Cant Stop...

by XxBrokenInsidexX   Feb 10, 2008

I don't know what to do anymore
I cant take the pain your putting me through
I used to be but now I'm just not sure...

I hate how we sit up all night
Yelling and Crying our eyes out
Knowing we might as well stop and just not fight

I hate how we both know its best to move on
We are just too scared to leave each other heart broken
Scared we will end up living that break-up song

I hate how we try to put it back together
When we both know its too broken to fix
....Maybe we shouldn't have said forever

I hate how no matter how hard I try
I still cant stop loving you
Yet I'm tired of sleeping on a wet pillow from all the tears I cry

I hate how you say you hate me yet you love me soo much
It hurts to know that I make you hate me
While I sit here all day longing for your touch

I hate how I'm trying to be all you need
As you make me feel not good enough
And each time I try to leave your there on your knees
Making each time more and more tough

I hate how regardless of the pain you put me through
I want to stay and fix this..If only I could
And I hate how much I never stop loving you
Knowing I probably should


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  • 17 years ago

    by Aveena

    Really good poem. great work.

  • 17 years ago

    by razzledazzleme23

    Awesome poem, I can so relate to this

  • 17 years ago

    by Mandy

    I loved this poem.
    i can definately relate.
    keep up the great work 5/5