Is she really what you want?

by NotADayGoesBy   Feb 10, 2008

Is she really what you want?
She hurt you once. Don't you remember?
She would always hit you when you didn't do anything. She would try to have relationships with other guys.
Yet you stayed with her for 2 years.

I treated you great.
I never cheated. I never lied. I loved you with all my heart and you loved me with all yours.

Yes we would fight sometimes. But there is not such thing as a perfect relationship. Every couple fights.
But yet you got rid of me after 11 months, and went back to her.

You told me you hated her.
You told me you couldn't stand her.
She even treated the people close to you like crap.
Your own family she treated like crap.

So let me ask you this.. Is she really what you want? Do you want someone who treats you like crap? Lies to you? Cheats on you? If it is then I hope you'll be happy together. But don't come back to me saying I was right after all the crap you put me through.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Hollywood i like this its full of emotion its so great

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