My Brethless Hero

by amber   May 18, 2004

You were my hero
The one I looked up too
My role model in everything I did
I thought you were grand
Everything you said or did I admired
You used to be a great influence on me
And people respected why I loved you so much

Now I look at you
And I’m so happy
I didn’t follow in your steps
You had been changing over years
Each time I saw you you were a little bit different
You experienced drugs
You have been through tremendous pain
Your eyes turned cold like stone
Each time you glanced my way
Chills ran up my spine

You were mad at me
For betraying you
But look at yourself now
I know I’m glad I did what I did
If it wasn’t for that I could be sitting in a casket too
I could have all my friends crying
Over what an idiot I was
But instead we are all crying for you
And what an idiot you were

If you’re watching at this moment
I would like to thank you
For teaching me right for wrong
Now I know what really happens
All those movies in health are true
People do die and get hurt
Now I’m hurt cause of you


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