The Merry-Go-Round.

by erin girl   Feb 11, 2008

The magical world of spinning imagination has left me speechless.

A ride like this can keep any child entertained for hours.

In the circular rotation I don't notice a single thing around me.

Not the clown juggling his endless number of bouncy balls,

Not the children screaming after exiting the forbidden haunted house.

Though Freddy's Fun House caught my eye, I still maintain focus on MY ride.

A man who was all blue with four eyes stood before me,
but not for long once I leap on another horse of my choice.

The best part of the Merry go round is that you can see the carnival in perfect view.

I never felt so free in my life.

I enjoy every moment of that fresh Cotton candy scented air in my face.

I feel as though I am stuck in a child's dream, but i don't let that phase me.

My all day pass is good for the rest of the afternoon and
I want to stay on this ride forever.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    a lovely poem painted wtih many vivid colours.


  • 17 years ago

    by Letty

    This was a very, very creative poem. I loved the imagery and the flow of it also. There is only one problem with it, you contradicted yourself in it. in the third line you say "In the circular rotation I don't notice a single thing around me"; but yet you go on to explain your surroundings in the following lines. I think that you should change the third line to:

    In the circular rotation I notice every single thing around me.

    Overall this is a fantastic poem and I think you did a great job of conveying your meaning. Keep up the great work!
