The Setting Sun

by McKenzieSerenity   Feb 11, 2008

Looking out over treetops,
You can see the sky at all times.
Have you ever looked out at twilight,
When the clouds are gone away,
And the birds are singing goodnight to the world.
This is when the sun sings out to the land,
It doesn't have a voice,
That's why it sings in colors.
The blues and reds,
Violet and orange,
All the colors of love.
Why the sun would sing of love is unimaginable to us,
But I know.
The sun sings love for the beauty of the planet,
The sky and grass and flowers and trees,
Water and change and birth and life.
Spring in the forest is the love of the sun,
Autumn in the lakes,
Summer on the grass,
Winter on the ice.
The setting sun sends stories,
It tells tales that touch across time and worlds.
What are you doing?
Don't just sit in your home reading poems all day!
Go outside,
Watch the sun sing out.
Let the setting sun tell you its stories too.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    This is one of my favorites, you write really well!! I loved every bit of this poem! 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Eman D

    I can see why no rhyme is needed, imagery is used perfectly. Nice ending too. 5/5.