Lie awake

by Ryan   Feb 11, 2008

As the innocent little boy
lie awake in his bed
she's still reminising
all up in his head

as he wishes and dreams
that she'd lay with him too
he makes a promise
thats sure to be true.

a promise to love her
with all of his heart
a promise to tell her
every thought.

a promist to hold her
and lay with her too
a promise that he"ll always
be there and true.

as the boy falls asleep
and the promise has ended
he dreams of the day
their hearts will be mended.


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  • 16 years ago

    by K3LS3Y

    Awwwww that was really good. it was a really sweet poem. good job :-D

  • 17 years ago

    by katrina

    I really enjoyed the honesty in this poem, you painted a picture and I thought it was beautiful....kudo's check out mine

  • 17 years ago

    by RawrItsDollfacex

    That was really good :) i liked it. i just wish someone felt so strongly for meh. keep it up. i wanna c more.