by Noo track to walk   Feb 11, 2008

When ever i think about our past
my eyes are filled with water
why? i asked myself
because it was i who left you
because of your cruelness
u didnt even stop me
because you hate me
then why do i think about you all the time
why do i cry for you
even though i want to forget you
then why do i think about you
thats what i asked myself
why do i feel for u??
after so much misery that u gave me?
i really dont know
but i am so confused
that why i still think about you!


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  • 15 years ago

    by A. M.

    I like this poem of yours. I know exactly what you are going through cause I'm going through the same too </3 keep writing

  • 16 years ago

    by LoveTear


  • 16 years ago

    by Nafees Ahmad

    Its really great. I think u r a lover???????

  • 16 years ago

    by Nafees Ahmad

    Its really great. I think u r a lover???????

  • 16 years ago

    by Freedom

    Great work :) i luved