Bloody wrist

by desperately needing you   Feb 11, 2008

She looked at her wrist.

and watched it bleed.

it ran down her arm.

like a delicate steam.

she cut it deeper so she could die.

mixed with her blood was the tears she cried.

it was taking to long.

so she cut the vain.

trying not to scream.

she took the pain.

she could feel it now the dizziness coming on.

she never knew her life would go this wrong.

she dropped the razor.

went down on her knees.

for once in her life she felt free.

she knew it was for the best.

her life was crud.

her parents came home to find her drenched in blood.


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  • 17 years ago

    by FallenAngel12

    I really like this poem. it's written really well.

  • 17 years ago

    by Damaris

    That was just fabulous! You wrote it sooo emotionally. Your a natrual.

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