Fangs and claws

by viraz vitalia   Feb 11, 2008

Fangs red with blood
Claws painted crimson
My enemies are all dead
I've devoured them all
I killed their families just for fun
I no longer feel the remorse
They've hurt me so I've hurt them
Equivalent exchange ain't it sweet
Eye for an eye blood for blood
Next is the world
They've shunned me
And sent me to that horrible place
I will kill them
My claws my weapon
My resolve never wavering
They will all feel my pain
I'll burn hospitals and schools
Devour the young and the old
Nothing can stop me
No one will try


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  • 17 years ago

    by nobody truly knows me

    Hmm this is pretty well. do i even have to say it? flow dude...u have to get the flow down. i promise....i'll help u with that. don't let me 4get.

  • 17 years ago

    by Francis Vaska

    You kind of spelled Equivalent wrong, but still
