Comments : The dance

  • 17 years ago

    by FlawlesslyTarnished

    A beautiful and heartfelt piece. very touching. and it made me smile. (: I really like this poem too. [I hardly ever read any poems that are "happy" you know] but I like this one. And I think that the first two stanza were definitely my favorite. And the descriptions you used were very nice. another 5/5. :D

  • 17 years ago



    soooo sweet and sad at the same time

  • 17 years ago

    by Emilline

    Aww thats soo adoreble!! perfectley describes what should happen! lol, great flow, truely amazing! i loved the part where you said:
    "We say our i love your's,
    and a kiss upon my cheek,
    i am trembling now,
    my legs are feeling weak."
    its just too cute! great job though, keep it up!

  • 17 years ago

    by Blissful

    Aww I just loved the ending. It was filled with such hope and the poem overall was so innocent and had me smiling from beginning to end because I could relate with everything you said. Beautiful use of imagery and rhyme. Well done *5/5*

  • 17 years ago

    by Chase

    This a very pretty love poem!!! I enjoyed it very much!!!!! ^________^!!! Simply alluring!!! 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by L0V3 Mi fAMilY

    Great poem. I like the way you made the 1st and 3rd lines rhyme in every stanza. This is basically what I feel towards my beautiful babygirl. Good poem.

  • 17 years ago

    by Beautiful Forever

    It was good and simple. Decent length.... The flow was good, the word choice was nice, and the concept was beautiful. I feel there could've been more to this somehow, but I can't place my finger on it. Great poem, 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by EssenceOfLace

    Aww this was a very sweet love poem. Very cute. I don't have anything to suggest to make it better, because i think it was fawless.

  • 17 years ago

    by Jenni

    This was a good poem, but based on the other two poems of yours that I have read, it is not your best. I feel as though it is missing something. Yes, it is a love poem, and it is supposed to be high and up-lifting, but when you write love poems and your stronger points are with other types of poems, you need to make sure that your poem has a certain flair that will attract people to it. I struggle with writing love poems and it can be difficult to write without sounding too cheesy.

    Otherwise, it was a good poem. 4/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Anaisthitos

    This poem was a great read. The only thing was parts of it felt really forced. Chose words and phrases that come from your heart. But the sound of the poem is beautiful and you did an excellent job expressing young love and joy.You chose a great and unique topic and expressed it beautifuly! keep it up! [= 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by claire

    Haha i love this it totally captures middle school dances! and the feeling when they go well . . . i think sometimes happiness is harder to capture than unhappiness. nice one =)

  • 16 years ago

    by Sora

    This poem was absoultely wonderful!
    very very beautiful.
    very pure. and very true.
    what a wonderful piece, keep up the nice work!

  • 16 years ago

    by StonedGooberz

    And you call yourself a little bit insane, but these are thos most sane thoughts of seen. you wrote a wonderful love poem and i always wanted to do one on dances never the coruage though to post one. yuo did a wonderful job here better then some of ones i have seen.
    -Raindrops 5/5